Income for additional lending

Deductions from Income 

The following outgoings must be declared: 

  • The monthly costs of all debts which will remain in place on completion of the mortgage are included as a deduction within affordability
  • Any credit cards to remain in place on completion of the mortgage are included as a deduction with 3% of the total credit balance being taken
  • Monthly costs of any childcare/school fees 
  • Monthly costs student loans 
  • Monthly costs of any mortgage payments that do not meet the self-financing rules or are not going to be let out 
  • Overdraft - 3% of latest total outstanding month end balance 
  • Monthly costs of any property charges - ground rent/service charge/estate rent charge(s) 
  • Monthly costs of any regular maintenance payments 
  • Monthly costs of any other significant outgoings 
  Evidence Required
  • The latest payslip and corresponding bank statement required if employed. 
  • Normal self-employed or limited company director documentation required for self-employed applicants.