Who is FareShare?

FareShare is the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and tackling food waste. They take good food that would be thrown away and share it with over a million people across the UK. They do this through local charities and groups.

We can help them do even more.
Yorkshire Building Society helping real life happen proudly supporting FareShare fighting hunger, tackling food waste

Make a donation

You can help us to raise £1 million for FareShare.
You can also donate at a branch or agency.

Did you know?

Nearly 1.5 million people in the UK are out of work. That’s from the Office of National Statistics, 2024.
Colleagues from Yorkshire Building Society volunteer at FareShare's regional hub in Barnsley
Map showing locations of Fareshare

Building Skills for the Future programme

We aim to raise £1 million to fund FareShare’s Building Skills for the Future programme, to help over 2,500 people get a job. They will do this through seven regional programmes in:
Milton Keynes
They will also support community outreach programmes offering free face-to-face help.
Together, we can make a real difference. We can empower people with the skills and knowledge they need to overcome financial hardship and build their own brighter future. 
Want to know more about FareShare? Go to fareshare.org.uk