Background BTL portfolio

All background properties must collectively meet a minimum rental calculation of 145% interest coverage ratio (ICR) at a stressed rate of 5.0%.

How we assess coverage
When reviewing a BTL portfolio we do individually assess properties, but where an individual property in the portfolio doesn’t meet the 145% rule, but other properties in the portfolio would cover the shortfall, we do consider the portfolio as a whole.


Strong Portfolio

Property 1 Property 2 Property 3 Property 4 Property 5
Self-financing 150% Self-financing 146% Self-financing 148% Self-financing 140% Self-financing 167%

Whilst property 4 is not meeting the 145% rule, collectively the remaining properties are self-financing by 153%. 

This is sufficient to cover the shortfall, pulling up the portfolio collectively to 150%.


Weak Portfolio

Property 1 Property 2 Property 3  
Self-financing 145% Self-financing 137% Self-financing 148%


The portfolio as a whole is not meeting the 145% rule, and whilst one property is above the required 145%, this is not by a substantial amount.