All Commercial Investments

2 years experience necessary.
Companies registered in England and Wales, all key parties UK residents.
Maximum LTV 75%.
Minimum loan £300,000.
Maximum loan per property £5m.
Maximum total lending £20m.
Minimum loan term 5 years.
Maximum loan term 25 years for loans of £2m and below.
Maximum loan term 10 years for loans over £2m.
A first charge from the borrowing entity, over an acceptable commercial property.
Property must be lettable in the short term and have sustainable income throughout the term of the loan.
Gross rental ICR cover 125% at the prevailing product stress rate.

What we won’t do:

Loans to Trusts or Syndicates.
Development lending.
Short term / bridging loans.
Commercial property with no apparent alternative use.
EPC below E.
Adverse corporate or individual credit history.
Anything which may cause a conflict of interest or reputational damage to the Society.

Check our product criteria

Find out more about our risk appetite before you apply. 

Investment criteria

View our criteria for industrial, offices, leisure and retail sectors.

How to apply

Check out our useful guides and find out more about our processes and support that we offer. 

Meet the team

Our commercial lending experts are ready to support your plans for now and the future.

Want to apply or enquire?

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