Common sense video library

Common sense, it's in everything we do

Our colleagues explain in their own words how our approach can help your clients.

Buy to Let (BTL)

Accord Lending Underwriting Specialist Billy, describes how our common sense approach allowed us to move a case forward where the scenario fell outside out lending criteria. 

Deposit unlock

Accord Business Development Manager Nadeem sets out how we can consider cases up to 95% loan to value on new build properties being purchased via the Deposit Unlock scheme. 

Fixed term contracts

Accord Business Development Manager Nadeem discusses how we can apply our common sense approach to cases where your client is on a short, fixed term contract. 

Common sense on tricky cases

Accord Business Development Manager Rhiannon explains how our common sense lending approach can help smooth the path for your tricky cases.

Self employed

Accord Business Development Manager Nadeem gives an example of how our common sense approach can help with self-employed cases.


Accord Business Development Manager Nadeem sets out how we’ve applied our common sense to ensure that great service is at the heart of everything we do.


Accord Business Development Manager Rhiannon describes how we can apply our common sense approach to cases with adverse credit.

BTL no minimum income

Accord Business Development Manager Nadeem explains how our common sense approach is demonstrated by the no minimum income requirement for Buy to Let cases.