Complaints Publication Report

Firm Name Accord Mortgages Limited
Other firms included in this report None
Period covered 1st July 2021 to 31st December 2021

Below is a table showing how many complaints Accord Mortgages received and dealt with from 1st July 2021 to 31st December 2021.

The figures below show how these relate to the number of accounts in each grouping, to allow comparisons to be made with other financial organisations on a consistent basis.

Number of complaints opened by Volume of business
Product/Service Grouping Provision
(at reporting period end date)
(within the reporting period)
Number of complaints
Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3
Percentage closed after
3 days but
within 8 weeks
Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints
Banking & credit cards 0.97   6 6 33.33% 66.67% 100.00% General Admin / Customer Service
Home Finance 3.45   576 563 38.90% 60.57% 63.41% General Admin / Customer Service
Insurance & Pure protection N/A              
Decumulation & Pensions N/A              
Investments N/A              
Credit Related N/A              
Key: Provision – these are the number of complaints per 1000 active accounts or 1000 outstanding balances (Home Finance) as at 31st December 2021.
  • We have just under 6,200 banking, savings and loan accounts and received 0.97 complaints in total for every 1000 accounts.

  • We have just under 167,000 mortgage balances and receive 3.45 complaints for every 1000 mortgage balances

Our service offering to our customers is very important to us. We always do our best to deal with complaints quickly and fairly and whilst we don’t want customers to be dissatisfied with the service provided, we use the insight to enhance and improve our service proposition. If you have a complaint, please get in touch and we’ll do all we can to resolve the matter with you.